
The Value of the law of Chasisty. Blog 8

  "Those who stand for nothing, will fall for anything"- Alexander Hamilton In our relationships, especially intimate ones. It is very important that boundaries are set within marriage. Especially keeping sexual relations between husband and a wife. According to a study conducted by the Institution of Families. Individuals who engage in per-martial sex with atleast 1-8 partners had their marriage survival rate drop to 10 percent within 70 months of them being married vs those who did not. individuals in a religious organization that values chastity, and virtue are more likely to avoid pre-martial sex compared to individuals who are not. Now coming to this topic, I do want to note however the importance of religious and ethical beliefs on the impact of a healthy marriage and sexual relation. In the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Members are given commandments by god on how they to conduct their lives. A law that is very important and discussed frequently in the c

The Tragedy Of Divorce Blog 12

  The Tragedy of Divorce. During a recent Lecture last week, Brother Williams explained an amazing and surprising statistic to us about the amount of regret separated spouses have after 2 years. After 2 years 70% of couples regretted getting divorce and not taking the time to work out the problems they faced. This is very tragic, because regret is sometimes one of the worst things to have in life. It's a constant ringing in one's ears and can lead to some pretty depressing moments in our lives. This is what i want to focus my final blog on, the importance of avoiding the tragedy of divorce with three simple steps that i've learned in my family relations class. Communication. In marriage and family life, communication is essential to the growth and strength of a marriage. In the Webster dictionary the definition of communication is "a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior" Communication

The Need of Fathers in our world Blog 11

  The Value of men accepting Fatherhood in our world. In a study conducted by the lemon other guide, Dawn Lee spake of the statistic of single parent homes in the United States. She stated "Single motherhood has grown so common in America that today 80 percent of single-parent families are headed by single mothers — a third live in poverty." (Lee) As I talked with a recent convert about families outside of the Church. He explained that outside of the church, many families are either separated, blended or single parent homes. The statistic of single parent homes being mostly mothers was just mind blowing to me. A third of these are considered to be living in poverty. Now this was shocking to me, because in most social media platforms. Many individuals, and social media makers devalue the value of fatherhood and men. Men are needed as fathers, because the evidence suggests that fatherless homes. can be the determent of the physical health and safety of children. In this study c

The Importance of Family Councils and Communications Blog 10

Communication in the family is essential to its growth and welfare. In the beginning Heavenly father gathered his children to a great counsel to provide a plan of progression, salvation, and exaltation to his children. In summary, his plan was "We will go down, for there is space there, and we will take of these materials, and we will make an earth whereon these may dwell; And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them;" (Abr 3:24-25) Counseling and planning in the church has always been fascinating to me. Decisions made by the church for all branches of the church (Wether business, educational, or e.c.t) are made from individuals seeking the will of god through personal revelation and counsel with one another on those thoughts and feelings. Why do they do this? Because God wants his children to feel true happiness and peace. His work and his glory it to bring to the pass the immortality and enteral life of

Stress brings families together. Blog 9

Stress brings families together. Stressful situations are often hard to deal with. Not only in our own lives, but also in our families. Stress can be a hard thing to deal with, but it's not always a bad thing. In "Adjusting to missionary life" from the church of Jesus Christ the of latter saints. They explain that "Stress is not always bad. In fact, stress is a normal physical and emotional response to the changes and challenges of life and is necessary for growth." While also adding that Stress unmanaged can also bring us some problems. In our discussions last Thursday, we talked about the importance of communication, and working together as a family to overcome these challenges. Communication within a family is essential to overcoming a majority (if not all) stressful problems. In the church handbook, It explains the importance of councils and why communication with one another is essential to overcoming challenges. We face. He says "Heavenly Father has


   The One thing that I really wanted to openly discuss on my blog was the important steps before marriage and that was the engagement and setting the priorities before marriage. Before my mission, My parents pulled me aside to talk about the importance of setting boundaries, priorities, and expectations in and before engagement. Along with tips on what to do during a courtship. The boundaries they spoke about was exemplified by the teachings of the 15th President of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. President Gordon B Hinckley stated that individuals should do seven things to prepare to find a spouse. “Be worthy of the mate you choose.” “Marry the right person in the right place at the right time.” “Choose a companion of your own faith. You are much more likely to be happy.” “Choose a companion you can always honor.” “Choose a companion … you can always respect.” “Choose a companion … who will complement you in your own life.” “Choose a companion … to whom you can give


 Hey Everyone! I hope you guys are having a fantastic week. Last week, We had a discussion about dating, along with the importance of dating others with the same values and culture. What I really loved about our discussions was that dating doesn't have to be just a commitment with spending time with one person, but it's really defined as a way of getting to know people one on one, by doing it with multiple different people. Which was a really awesome.  The Culture in the united states is that dating with someone is often a serious one on one. It is exclusive with that significant other. The definition shared in family relations really helped me to understand that dating can be simple be just getting to know one another and being open with one another. Which was something I liked. As we talked about dating, A chart was placed up that had four main categories.  Knowledge, trust, commitment and Touch. This chart was from a book called "How to avoid falling in love with a Jerk