The Value of the law of Chasisty. Blog 8

 "Those who stand for nothing, will fall for anything"- Alexander Hamilton

In our relationships, especially intimate ones. It is very important that boundaries are set within marriage. Especially keeping sexual relations between husband and a wife.

According to a study conducted by the Institution of Families. Individuals who engage in per-martial sex with atleast 1-8 partners had their marriage survival rate drop to 10 percent within 70 months of them being married vs those who did not.

individuals in a religious organization that values chastity, and virtue are more likely to avoid pre-martial sex compared to individuals who are not. Now coming to this topic, I do want to note however the importance of religious and ethical beliefs on the impact of a healthy marriage and sexual relation. In the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Members are given commandments by god on how they to conduct their lives. A law that is very important and discussed frequently in the church is The Law of Chastity. The Law of Chastity is a commandment from god to abstain from all sexual relations before marriage. Avoid all pornography, and to be faithful to one's spouse. These commandments from god avoid the terrible consequences that may come from infidelity or adultery. Along with having a detrimental effect on the lives of your children. An Example of individuals who have broken the law of chastity are recorded in the book the mormon. I will share this story with you.

In the Book of Mormon, the prophet Jacob gave a condemning speech to those who had broken the law of chastity, and shared the consequences of their infidelity. "Ye have broken the hearts of your tender wives, and lost the confidence of your children, because of your bad examples before the;-you. And because of the strictness of the word of God, which cometh down against you, many hearts died, pierced with deep wounds." (Jacob 2:35) Now this was tragic to the prophet Jacob who deeply loved and cared for his people. He saw the consequences for breaking the law of chastity and wanted his people to understand the value of keeping this sacred charge of keeping sexual relations between husband and wife.

Another set of consequences that have come from breaking the law of chastity have been shared by a modern day prophet. President Ezra Taft Benson explained "The world is already beginning to reap the consequences of its abandonment of any standards of morality. [For]- example, recently the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services in the United States warned that if a cure for AIDS is not quickly found, it could become a worldwide epidemic that “will dwarf such earlier medical disasters as the Black Plague, smallpox, and typhoid”

He goes on to explain that many research studies are trying to cure the disease instead of returning to the values of chastity and abstinence of sex before marriage. Is this the kind of world we want to live in? A society that devalues chatisty and sacred of sexual relationships during marriage?

In a growing world, where good is perceived as evil and evil for good. It is hard to see truth from error. Which is why I am so grateful for modern day prophets and apostles in the church. In "Law of Chastity" President Ezra Taft Benson stated that "The law of chastity is a principle of eternal significance. We must not be swayed by the many voices of the world. We must listen to the voice of the Lord and then determine that we will set our feet irrevocably upon the path He has marked."

Following the law of Chastity will bring tremendous blessings to your life!


  1. Ezra Taft Benson, & "The Law of Chastity" BYU Speeches, October 13, 1987,
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    Jacob. "Jacob 2" The Book of Mormon, March 1830,
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    Jessie Smith. "Testing Common Theories on the Relationship Between Premarital Sex and Marital Stability" Institute for Family Studies, MARCH 6, 2023,


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