The Need of Fathers in our world Blog 11

 The Value of men accepting Fatherhood in our world.

In a study conducted by the lemon other guide, Dawn Lee spake of the statistic of single parent homes in the United States. She stated "Single motherhood has grown so common in America that today 80 percent of single-parent families are headed by single mothers — a third live in poverty." (Lee) As I talked with a recent convert about families outside of the Church. He explained that outside of the church, many families are either separated, blended or single parent homes. The statistic of single parent homes being mostly mothers was just mind blowing to me. A third of these are considered to be living in poverty. Now this was shocking to me, because in most social media platforms. Many individuals, and social media makers devalue the value of fatherhood and men. Men are needed as fathers, because the evidence suggests that fatherless homes. can be the determent of the physical health and safety of children.

In this study conducted by the National Fatherhood initiative, They should the consequences of not having fathers in the home.

Consquences of Missing fathers in the home

The two biggest consequences that I personally saw on the report was the greater risk of infant mortality. Along children more likely to face abuse and neglect in their homes. The research that supported was astounding to me, because often times fatherhood isn't regraded with the same level respect of fatherhood outside of the church or religion. Some individuals on social media have completely disregarded the necessity of men and fathers in homes. This may be due to a high increase of women leaving their homes to go into the workforce. Many Individuals that I've met in my life who weren't religious affiliated had a belief that women could handle both the nurturing and providing for their children on a physical and spiritual scale. These reports are exactly opposite. Mothers need fathers just as much as fathers need mothers. They can not go one without the other. To Shed light on this experience, I'd like to talk about I've seen when a father is missing in the home. Now I knew someone who had divorced with her husband at a very early age of their life. She had two young children in her marriage and she was somewhat left alone to fend for them. When I had come back to home to visit them. Some major things had happen in their lives. (Though I'm not going into any details, because it's really sensitive to my personal life.) Suffice to say It was a chaotic environment for them, and a lot of things happened that were pretty bad. Now some may argue that it could of been other possibilities or circumstance. And they may be right. But seeing the disappearance of a father figure in their home might of prevented most of those tragedies from occurring. Many Children need a father (just as much as they need a mother.). Fatherhood is a necessity in our homes. There's a reason why god choose to have both a Father and mother in the home. They have unique experiences and traits that can specifically enhance and bless their children. In a world that is growing ever and ever against traditional families and the need for fatherhood. We need to step up as men and defend the necessity of fatherhood in our homes. Fathers are needed to preside in righteousness, provide and protect their children in their homes. To end this off, I would like to finish off with this quote from Elder Todd Christofferson. "We believe in fathers. We believe that far being superfluous. fathers are unique and irreplaceable" We need you men to become fathers in a world with growing families and young children.


  1. National Fatherhood Initiative. "" Publication_Title, 2020,
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    Dawn Lee . " Single Mother Statistics (UPDATED 2023) " Publication_Title , Publication_Date , .


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