Stress brings families together. Blog 9

Stress brings families together.

Stressful situations are often hard to deal with. Not only in our own lives, but also in our families. Stress can be a hard thing to deal with, but it's not always a bad thing. In "Adjusting to missionary life" from the church of Jesus Christ the of latter saints. They explain that "Stress is not always bad. In fact, stress is a normal physical and emotional response to the changes and challenges of life and is necessary for growth." While also adding that Stress unmanaged can also bring us some problems. In our discussions last Thursday, we talked about the importance of communication, and working together as a family to overcome these challenges.

Communication within a family is essential to overcoming a majority (if not all) stressful problems. In the church handbook, It explains the importance of councils and why communication with one another is essential to overcoming challenges. We face. He says "Heavenly Father has established councils as an important part of receiving inspiration, making decisions, and accomplishing His work. Councils existed before the world was created. Each of us participated in these councils before coming to earth."

I really wanna focus on the importance of accomplishing the work of God. As members and disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to live a higher and holier way of life. Following the will of God with no hypocrisy will bring a multitude of blessings to your family.

I wanna share an experience about the importance of following god's will as a family.

When I was a child, my mother had to move to California to find work as a caregiver. While my father stayed in Utah to watch over and provide for us. It was taking a toll on him, and I could see it in his eyes. During a family home evening my parents came to together and asked us to pray as a family on wether we should leave Utah to go to California. Now this was very hard for me at the time. I didn't like the thought of moving to California and leaving behind a culture I felt comfortable with, but as we did this family prayer to know the will of god for our own family. All of us came to conclusion that we needed to move to California. The First move for me was very hard, but I am so grateful that my parents include our entire family on making this decision together. It really brought us close together. I have seen so many blessings from this. To name the most important one was meeting my Fijian family members in Sacramento. I didn't realize that our connection to the Fijian Community and my extended family had given us a strong emphasis on the importance of family.

This stressful experience taught me the importance of praying together, and how much god wants to help us grow and be happy. It was a hard time, but I'm glad that I did it together with my family by my side.

Along with this experience, I want to briefly talk about the necessity of stressful experiences in our lives. In a culture of comfort over work, it is hard to see how stress can bring blessings into our lives. What I can tell and testify to you is that stress is necessary for growth. And I want to sum it up with this scripture contained in First Peter :. For context, Peter (Apostole of Jesus Christ) is comforting the saints at a very hard time in their lives. At this time, they were experiencing very harsh from both jews and gentiles who were not their faith. Peter gives this important , that I will end my blog on. He states "Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:

 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that , though it tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:

 Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

Working stressful situations as families with god will give us the power to overcome and become like Jewho is our lord and redeemer.


  1. Sources:
    Website: (opens in a new tab)
    Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints. "4. Leadership and Councils in the Church of Jesus Christ" General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2020,
    EditSource "4. Leadership and..."
    Show Detailsfor Source "4. Leadership and..."
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    Website: (opens in a new tab)
    Peter the Apostle of Jesus Christ. "1 Peter 1" King James Bible Version, 1611,
    Source "1 Peter 1"
    Show Detailsfor Source "1 Peter 1"
    Show Original Citationfor Source "1 Peter 1"
    Website: (opens in a new tab)
    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.. "Understanding Stress", Adjusting to missionary life, 2013,


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