
  The One thing that I really wanted to openly discuss on my blog was the important steps before marriage and that was the engagement and setting the priorities before marriage. Before my mission, My parents pulled me aside to talk about the importance of setting boundaries, priorities, and expectations in and before engagement. Along with tips on what to do during a courtship. The boundaries they spoke about was exemplified by the teachings of the 15th President of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. President Gordon B Hinckley stated that individuals should do seven things to prepare to find a spouse.

  1. “Be worthy of the mate you choose.”
  2. “Marry the right person in the right place at the right time.”
  3. “Choose a companion of your own faith. You are much more likely to be happy.”
  4. “Choose a companion you can always honor.”
  5. “Choose a companion … you can always respect.”
  6. “Choose a companion … who will complement you in your own life.”
  7. “Choose a companion … to whom you can give your entire heart, your entire love, your entire allegiance, your entire loyalty.”

(President Gordon B Hinckley "The Right Person")

I wish to focus on three of the topics that president hinckley shared in his talk "The right person". That is "Being worthy of the mate you choose, marrying the right person in the right place at the right time, and choosing a companion of your own faith."

"“There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—and when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated” (Doctrine Covenants 130:20-21)

Worthiness is a key to receiving and giving god's blessings to others in our lives. It is often a key part of how much we are willing to give and receive from others, especially our spouse. The prophet Joseph Smith put the terms of god's blessings in a marvelous light. That as we are obedient to the laws of god. In turn he promises to bless our marriages, and the closes of our families, along with preparing us to be a helper or supporter in their time of need. God is blesser of those who keep his commandments.

During my mission, we had dinner with a sister who was the mother of a part member family in our ward. As we talked and discussed about our own families. She shared that her biggest regret was not marrying someone who was part of the church of Jesus christ of latter day saints, because of her decision. She was unable to fully convince her spouse to join or be sealed in the temple with her. Which in turn had a very devastating effect to her children. As far as i know. Out of four children, the only active family member was her daughter Elizabeth. It was pretty sad to hear.

Now I want to address that individuals can change and become part of the same faith of their spouses. I have also met a few families who's spouses were converts to the church or joined, because of their significant other, but I must recommend to you that marrying someone of your own faith should be set in stone. There is no other way to receive the fulness of all of gods blessing, without having a spouse who is part of this faith. God's promise of "exaltation is a family matter."

Finally marrying the right person at the right place at the right time. In my personal opinion as a blogger, church culture often seems to focus on quick marriages with spouse. Though I am supportive of continually dating, and marrying so that you can have kids. I must also speak on the importance of waiting for the right individual to come into your life. I would like to give advice to finding this right person by doing the following. Preparing for marriage, and being at the right place at the right time is only possible through one method.

Following and heeding the lord's counsel. President Russel M Ballard taught "Great and wonderful are the blessings that come into our lives as we listen to the word of the Lord given to us through him. … When we hear the counsel of the Lord expressed through the words of the President of the Church, our response should be positive and prompt. History has shown that there is safety, peace, prosperity, and happiness in responding to prophetic counsel as did Nephi of old: ‘I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded" As we follow the Lord's Counsel, He will put us in the path of our significant others and discern our feelings by shedding light towards them.


  1. Here are my sources. If your interested in learning more.

    rch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. "Mate Selection" Eternal Marriage Institute Student Manuel, January 1, 2001, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/eternal-marriage-student-manual/mate-selection?lang=eng.
    Show Detailsfor Source "Mate Selection"
    Show Original Citationfor Source "Mate Selection"
    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. "Section 130" The Doctrine and covenants, 1856, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/130?lang=eng
    Show Detailsfor Source "https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/130?lang=eng"


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