The Importance of Family Councils and Communications Blog 10

Communication in the family is essential to its growth and welfare. In the beginning Heavenly father gathered his children to a great counsel to provide a plan of progression, salvation, and exaltation to his children. In summary, his plan was "We will go down, for there is space there, and we will take of these materials, and we will make an earth whereon these may dwell;

And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them;" (Abr 3:24-25)

Counseling and planning in the church has always been fascinating to me. Decisions made by the church for all branches of the church (Wether business, educational, or e.c.t) are made from individuals seeking the will of god through personal revelation and counsel with one another on those thoughts and feelings.

Why do they do this?

Because God wants his children to feel true happiness and peace. His work and his glory it to bring to the pass the immortality and enteral life of man. Especially the exaltation of families. Seeking the will of god as a family will help them overcome individuals or situations that threaten the structure, and growth of the family.

In hindsight satan wants to destroy the family. He wants to do this, because destroying the family will cause him to gain power over these individual lives and to place them in a standstill of their progression towards God. Understanding the Why we need families and why we need to counsel with one other will prevent us from isolating decisions, and allow families to have more of a reason to unite and talk with one another.

In a talk given by Elder M. Russell Ballard, He states different types of ways families should counsel with one another. He states these three steps "First, the full family council includes all family members, The second type of family council is an executive family council that involves only the parents. The third type of family council is a limited family council. Here, both parents spend time with an individual child in a formal or an informal setting. [and] The fourth type of family council is a one-on-one family council involving one parent and one child."

The two types of Family Councils I would like to talk about is the Family council that includes all family members and one one family councils with parent/child.

Family councils that include all members should counsel with problems, work out with finances, making plans to support and plan with one another. These Discussions and planning should always be done with a prayer (seeking for revelation from god).

"When Parents are prepared and children are listening, the family councils are working!" I really love this quote, because it's just simple. Wisdom heeded is wisdom obtained. There are so many blessing that come from the lord as we listen to him. As family members prepare to discuss and talk with one another on certain councils. There are blessings unlocked from obtaining that wisdom.

The Second thing I'd like to discuss is one on one parenting with a child. Emotional Attachment is when a child is forming a bond within the first 12 months of its life. Children are impressionable, especially young teenagers. Parents who go out of there to way to have these one on one situations will help foster a growth and trust with one another. That will help prevent them from trusting sources that may try to cause them harm. It is essential that these families do this to prevent further harm or dangers that lie ahead.

How does this correlate with fatherhood?

"Fathers are to preside in righteousness and provide for their families." (Family proclamation) When I witnessed my own father keep his temple covenants and try his best to be a wonderful priest holder in my home. I was inspired by that. Keeping our temple covenants, and priesthood responsibilities as Young Adult men gives the lord the opportunity to bless our families through us. Priesthood power in the home has blessed my life and has made me grateful to have priesthood of my own. How grateful I am for how willing god is in blessing and providing for our families! He truly does love us.


  1. First Presidency, and Quorum of the Twelve. God of the Old and New Testament. "The Family Proclamation" Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, 1995,
    Elder M Russell Ballard. "Family Councils" General Conference April 2016, April 3 2016,
    Abraham (The Father of Faith) "Abraham 3" The Pearl of Great Price, 1851,


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