The Family Proclamation helps understand our divine Potential!

 Hey Everyone!

I just wanted to wish everyone an amazing July month. This week's class was on the roles of Divine and Eternal Identy and I just wanted to share some of this information with you guys. Recently, We were in class and talked about the difference roles men and women play in a family and how we can be better parents. I really loved how all of as explained of in the family proclamation are defined as "Divine sons and daughters of god" with eternal potentials and privileges that god has in store for us. God has given us so many blessings and has often been at the center of our living hoods and lives. What I really loved from our lecture last tuesday was on how gender effects our growth, along with the effects that are caused by changing our genders. Aparently you are more 3 times likely to commit succide if you have a gender change operation, than if you don't. It's really facinating information. 

Now, What we touched on that I really want to talk about that pertains to the Fijian community is  the effects of changing our roles to fit the roles of others. Elder Oaks recently gave a talk about the line between acceptance and the definition of marriage and gender identy. What I really loved from his talk was that he addressed the concerns of invidiuals struggling with gender identy and same sex attraction along with giving his support that there Savior and his atonement can help them through this process. Along with addressing to his audience the need to stay strong and defend the truth no matter what.

As members of the church, and disciples of Jesus Christ we are called to give mercy and live merciful. The Lord has high expectations for all of us, and He does expect us to defend his words along with the words of his prophets concerning the defintion of marriage. 


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