Imigrant families and Divine Potential to become like god

 In our Lecture Last Thursday, We discussed the tragedy of families separating due to social, cultural and even economic changes to a person's life style. A group of Mexican families who had immigrated to the united states were interviewed on how their lives were different from Mexico to the United States. It was shocking to see the results. Many of these families had very hard times growing close together and staying together as they immigrated to the united states. Though these immigrant parents had good intentions (Which was to come to the US so that their children would gain a better education).  Both parents, children, grandparents and even extended families did feel the strain of leaving their loved ones heading to the united states. Children described the hardships of not fitting in with there fellow peers, and often missing loved ones from their homelands. These individuals had a really hard time fitting in with this 'strange culture' and felt parents often felt that strain on there marriages.

As a 1st generation US citizen in the states, It had never occurred to me how much my parents struggled in order for us to be here today. I was often given a lecture from them saying that 'they could of easily gone back to Fiji and have a nicer job to work at'. Instead they chose to come here, sacrifice, and work so that we could have a better education or life. Seeing the struggles they've and others have gone through has made me have a  deep sense of gratitude for all the blessings I received from them. These immigrant parents are amazing and are some of the toughest people I've met so far. They are willing to sacrifice their own comforts and pleasures for the safety, welfare and success of their children. That is an amazing feat of itself. We are indeed called to do many great things in life and I think these parents from Mexico and abroad show us that social class and standing having nothing against a determination to win and succeed.

As Individuals we are often told our limits, or how much we can do with what we have. Though in some circumstances that may be true. I'd like to believe that as individuals we are more than the labels people put on us. In the family proclamation to the world, The First Presidency and quorum of the twelve issues this statement  "Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose." Knowing that we all children of god and have the potential to become like him as we keep his ordinaces and commandments is amazing. It truly pushes away negative thoughts or actions that would lead us to our demise. (Such as running from parental, or martial responsibilities. The fears of being inadequate to raise children and the belief that we can't do it) Indeed god's commandments show to us and the world, that we can do it. If we are willing to follow the example of his son Jesus Christ, and obey the commandments of the lord God. The Commandments of God are a safety for all of us. It's strictness and guidelines are the only way that our families (no matter how broken) can achieve enteral life and exalation.

As I was pondering on how to address single parent families, It had occured to me that there may be a solution to this matter. Learning and obeying the character of God. who is your heavenly father. You see unlike all earthly fathers. Our Heavenly father is the perfect example of a loving parent, and father. He is always someone that you can lookup to for guidance, strength, hope and peace. Indeed when all hands fail, his ways will never fail you. This is important to note in a family structure, because without god, our savior jesus christ or the holy ghost. Our families would be broken in half, or even destroyed. It is important to remember that the true strength of all families comes from the Godhead alone. That obedience to the commandments of God will ensure that all families. (From the poor to the rich) are happy, and dwell with god in their safety.

In Conculsion, If you want true happiness and sucess in your family. Follow the words of the Prophets of god, and the commandments contained in the holy scriptures. That as you and your family do so. You will experience true happiness and peace within your own families! Indeed what a blessing it is to have the commandments of god in our lives! :)


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