Hey Everyone! I hope you are all having a fantastic day today. This week has been amazing for me, and I've definitely learned a lot from my family relations class this week. Recently we talked about a research study conducted by the American psychology association. It was a research study on how same-sex couples had the same or better benefits than traditional families. It was a compilation and gathering of other 'research' material and data on same-sex marriages.

 As a Fijian and member of the islander community, I don't want to focus on same-sex marriage vs traditional, because it isn't relevant to my discussion. What I really wanna focus on is how the research was conducted. This is the biggest threat to not only us as Fijians but to our entire Pacific community.

To start off, I would like to start us off with this quote. "We seek for truth wherever we might find it" by Diether F Urchdorf (Quorom of the 12). As a people truth has always been a precious commodity and invaluable to the safety of us all. It has protected us against those who would seek to blind, bind, and destroy us. It is so precious that no amount of earthly thing can compare to its value and majesty.  

It is truly precious.

During the 2013 Californian supreme court trial for the legalization of gay marriage. All eight of the supreme court justices had already made their decisions on the vote, but one still seemed unsure of the situation. Justice Kennedy had one simple question for those advocating gay marriage. 'How would this affect the well-being of a child?' Advocates for gay marriage used the APA research on traditional families vs Same-sex families to have more of an advantage or growth when it comes to child raising and growing up. 

As a researcher, I've been curious about other reports and discoveries. so recently in our family relations course. Our professor showed us a sheet of each research study published within the APA Document. My fellow peers and I looked over it and discovered multiple errors in their research. For example, most of the research conducted against Traditional families was mostly never compared to that against same-sex couples. What was even more shocking was the fact that none of these studies had sufficient or complete data on the welfare or growth of the child either. Now I'm not going political or trying to stir up anger. What made me mad was that there wasn't an accurate representation of the whole truth.

Sure maybe same-sex families do well with traditional families, but those studies represented in the APA Document were false studies. They weren't conducted with proper scientific research and were totally misrepresented or falsely implied too. This is scary. If someone can misrepresent the truth or use science to blind, dissuade, or fabricate the truth. That is a very scary world to live in. Research has to be conducted unfairly. As an advocate and members of the Fijian community, we have a responsibility to discover the truth of all things and to seek the truth where we might find it.

My invitation to all the Fijians and islanders out there is to be a bit skeptical of research or data shown by others. In the bible, James taught the relationship between faith and works. 17 "Even so faith if it hath not works, is dead,being alone. 18 Yea a man may say, thou has faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works and I will shew thee my faith by works." (James 2:17-18). My advice would be to test the faith or beliefs of others based on their works or the accuracy of their research. I promise you that as you do so. You will discern between truth and error. I promise you that as you do so. You will discern between truth and error, and bring light to a world filled with darkness! That is an invitation to all those who read my blog and a promise blessing to anyone seeking out truth from error.


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