
Showing posts from May, 2023


 Hey Everyone! I hope you guys are having a fantastic week. Last week, We had a discussion about dating, along with the importance of dating others with the same values and culture. What I really loved about our discussions was that dating doesn't have to be just a commitment with spending time with one person, but it's really defined as a way of getting to know people one on one, by doing it with multiple different people. Which was a really awesome.  The Culture in the united states is that dating with someone is often a serious one on one. It is exclusive with that significant other. The definition shared in family relations really helped me to understand that dating can be simple be just getting to know one another and being open with one another. Which was something I liked. As we talked about dating, A chart was placed up that had four main categories.  Knowledge, trust, commitment and Touch. This chart was from a book called "How to avoid falling in love with a Jerk

The Family Proclamation helps understand our divine Potential!

 Hey Everyone! I just wanted to wish everyone an amazing July month. This week's class was on the roles of Divine and Eternal Identy and I just wanted to share some of this information with you guys. Recently, We were in class and talked about the difference roles men and women play in a family and how we can be better parents. I really loved how all of as explained of in the family proclamation are defined as "Divine sons and daughters of god" with eternal potentials and privileges that god has in store for us. God has given us so many blessings and has often been at the center of our living hoods and lives. What I really loved from our lecture last tuesday was on how gender effects our growth, along with the effects that are caused by changing our genders. Aparently you are more 3 times likely to commit succide if you have a gender change operation, than if you don't. It's really facinating information.  Now, What we touched on that I really want to talk about t

Imigrant families and Divine Potential to become like god

 In our Lecture Last Thursday, We discussed the tragedy of families separating due to social, cultural and even economic changes to a person's life style. A group of Mexican families who had immigrated to the united states were interviewed on how their lives were different from Mexico to the United States. It was shocking to see the results. Many of these families had very hard times growing close together and staying together as they immigrated to the united states. Though these immigrant parents had good intentions (Which was to come to the US so that their children would gain a better education).  Both parents, children, grandparents and even extended families did feel the strain of leaving their loved ones heading to the united states. Children described the hardships of not fitting in with there fellow peers, and often missing loved ones from their homelands. These individuals had a really hard time fitting in with this 'strange culture' and felt parents often felt tha

The Structure of Families has an impact to us all.

 Hey Everyone! I hope you are all having a fantastic day today. Recently We had an amazing lecture on the types of different families, and roles of each family member. Brother Williams gave an interesting perspective that I wanted to talk about that seemed to catch my attention and that was the importance of roles of men and women in families. Now as a Fijian, Many of us have lived with or are surrounded by most of our extended family. Having our families close to us is something normal to many of us. Indeed I am use to having my uncles and aunts around my house more frequently and evening having them over to live with us. The Fijian culture has always addressed this firmly, that as communities and families we have an obligation to take care one another family members. That we do not abandoned family, but work with them to help them get back on track or work with other resources to help them. (I really love this about our community) And that is something I really admire from our commun