
Showing posts from June, 2023


   The One thing that I really wanted to openly discuss on my blog was the important steps before marriage and that was the engagement and setting the priorities before marriage. Before my mission, My parents pulled me aside to talk about the importance of setting boundaries, priorities, and expectations in and before engagement. Along with tips on what to do during a courtship. The boundaries they spoke about was exemplified by the teachings of the 15th President of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. President Gordon B Hinckley stated that individuals should do seven things to prepare to find a spouse. “Be worthy of the mate you choose.” “Marry the right person in the right place at the right time.” “Choose a companion of your own faith. You are much more likely to be happy.” “Choose a companion you can always honor.” “Choose a companion … you can always respect.” “Choose a companion … who will complement you in your own life.” “Choose a companion … to whom you can give